Thursday, February 6, 2014

First Post

Greetings Gilded Agers,
A couple of things to note as you start your journey through the fair...
1) When you respond to posts, make sure you start a new post and NOT respond in the comments.
2) Each person is responsible for TWO posts per part of the book (your two posts for Part 1 are due NEXT FRIDAY)
3) There will be questions from DITWC on each QUEST. Enjoy the book and remember to focus on the those big themes of 1) urbanization 2) labor unrest 3) urban political machines 4) the social costs of modernization 5) loss of community 6) gains in free time and 7) civic pride.

And finally, here is a post last year I wrote about this time as you navigate the doldrums of APUSH:

Near the equator, there is a low pressure zone with no currents and little headwinds for. Often times, sailors had to wait for a storm system or better currents in order to reach their destination.

In the APUSH course, you are in the doldrums. It's been so long since you started the course in October and the AP exam is still too far away to give you that additional push. So if you're struggling to find motivation to keep going and doing the reading, taking notes and studying, here's an e-mail from a former student that might serve as some encouragement:
Aren’t you having fun?! Oh I know. The tests are long… the homework is longer… its like an endless black pit and you just keep falling… and falling….
WELL let me tell you something, this is what hard work feels like! You always have those teachers that make everything easy. They print out the notes and blank out a few words and THAT’S what you are supposed to learn from. Or even worse, the ones that read directly off some power point they didn’t even make. Now take a moment and think, did you actually learn anything from them? No. If you said yes then you can leave. Personally I’ve always hated those teachers. That’s what makes this class so different.
Ok so maybe your bloodstream is half composed of coffee (I know mine sure as heck was), and maybe you nod off in class every now and then (I would advise against that, yes the laughing you woke up to IS about you), but think of all those attractive mutton chops you’re learning about! Oh yeah, Grover Cleveland, you are one charming looking man. The Gilded age is awful, and WWI makes no sense at all (I mean really, how did that even start?), AND LORD HELP ME I hated Philis Schlafly, but you’re learning aren’t you? 
I’m not ashamed to say I can still name off a few ding-dings when someone mentions a specific date (If you never got the pleasure of listening to those podcasts I advise you to look them up!) This class is hard, the work is harder, and the teacher is quirky, the people you’re in class with are quirky,but you’re learning. That class better prepared me for my senior year than I believe any other class. It taught me how to study, it taught me how to focus, and I learned a few tricks. 
It’s the worst kind of fun you’ll have all year, I promise. And when that AP test rolls around, you’ll be sweating a pool. After that test is done however, you are going to look back and laugh. I know I did.I promise this class is OVER preparing you. Really, too many quizzes…. Mr. Fitz is cruel. It works out in the end. When you get that letter back in the summer you’ll be able to smile and feel proud. You EARNED that 4 or 5. Those colleges will recognize that. So chin up!
A student who knows your pain.

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